2016 FREIGHTLINER, Ca125slp

Sleeper Truck in Bensenville, IL 60106

384,000 mi

D12 Automatic transmission. DOT inspected and ready to drive. Priced to sell.


Brake System
Cab Type
Engine Manufacturer
Detroit Diesel
Fuel Type
Axle Type
Has Sleeper

This unit is not available!

Vehicle Location

Bensenville, IL, 60106, US

Valtrans Express Corporation LLC Photo

Valtrans Express Corporation LLC

Joined in January 2020

Contact: Mladen Parvanov

Company Type: Trucking

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Similar Vehicles to 2016 Freightliner CA125SLP Tractor Truck

If you're considering the 2016 Freightliner CA125SLP Tractor Truck, there are a few other similar models that you may want to look into as well.

  1. 2015 Volvo VNL64T780: This model is also equipped with a sleeper cab, perfect for long hauls. It features an automatic transmission and is powered by a Volvo D13 engine which delivers around 455 horsepower, quite comparable to the Freightliner's DD15 engine. With air brakes and tandem axles, this vehicle offers similar specifications.

  2. 2017 Kenworth T680: The T680 comes with a PACCAR MX-13 engine that boasts around 455 horsepower - on par with the Freightliner CA125SLP. It has an automatic transmission and is also fitted with a sleeper cab. The Kenworth T680 is known for its reliability and fuel efficiency which might give it an edge for some buyers.

  3. 2016 Peterbilt 579: This truck sports an automatic transmission and is powered by a PACCAR MX-13 engine delivering approximately 455 horsepower. Similar to the Freightliner model in question, it also includes air brakes, tandem axles, and a sleeper cab for those long haul trips.

While these three alternatives share many similarities with the 2016 Freightliner CA125SLP Tractor Truck, each one has its unique strengths that might make it more suitable depending on your specific needs and preferences.